Field First

Better superintendents, better plans, better execution
Daniel Soliman, Planflow Co-Founder

Your job is hard

The average Project Superintendent holds a four-year degree and has worked 10-15 years in construction. This level of training and experience is unmatched in any profession.

Why? Construction is vast, nobody has ever seen it all. The number of parts in a building far exceeds that of a car. Meanwhile, every project is unique, built by a unique team at a unique location.

Another reason, there are few standards, instead we operate under a Community of Practice, with informal norms, unspoken assumptions, and unwritten rules. It’s how new, unrelated teams are able to come together quickly and build something awesome.

Construction teams aren't an orchestra, they're a jazz band.

The Community of Practice in the construction industry works well. When a contractor doesn't show up for a week, we're still somehow able to finish the project on time.

Being flexible is essential when contractors have set resources and variable work. However, when in a generational shift, like we are in now, you need to train up people fast. It takes time to learn new things, it takes even longer when the things you must learn can’t be taught in a book or a youtube video.

Fortunately, having access to more info on field related situations and decisions can expedite learning. Planflow shows not only when things are happening, but WHY things are happening... or not happening.

Your plan sucks

Another area where Planflow can improve your project is Schedule.

Established in the 1960s, the way we plan and execute hasn’t fundamentally changed, with one exception: the plans have become more complex and robust.

Learning to schedule isn't easy, the software doesn’t make it any easier, and learning it on your own is near impossible. So we've hired off-site Schedulers to make schedules that are hundreds of pages long, don't reflect reality, and are outdated before they’re even printed.

No wonder most projects are delivered late.✝︎

Planflow is a great way to view your schedule, see priorities, understand what inputs are required, and identify and manage roadblocks. It forces your schedule to reflect reality, it shows the "why", and it makes everyone responsible for finishing on time.

Execution is everything

Everyone has ideas, and everyone has a plan. Execution separates the winners from the losers. Planflow is the only construction execution solution ready today.